Privacy Policy

Your personal information and privacy

Buslines Group Pty Limited and its related entities are very aware of the high priority our customers place on the security, accuracy and proper use of personal information.  We are therefore committed to ensuring that our procedures fulfil the requirements outlined in the Australian Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act 1988.

Personal Information we may collect

The Group will collect personal information necessary to efficiently provide the B-ConX On demand service.

The nature of personal information collected generally comprises of an individual’s name, address, date of birth contact number, fax or email address or sensitive personal information (including information about mobility/accessibility requirements related to the use of our service).

By using the B-ConX website and applications, you consent to the collection and use of this information.

Why do we collect your personal information?

The main purposes for which personal information is collected are:-

  • advising customers of available services which may be of interest to them
  • contact in relation to booking B-ConX on-demand services and accessibility requirements
  • complaints, enquiries and/or feedback from customers
  • applying for a position with the organisation

Buslines Group may collect personal information as otherwise permitted or required by law.

Disclosure of your personal information

Your personal information may be disclosed to other organisations which include:-

  • Transport for NSW (TfNSW). TfNSW may disclose such Personal Information to other Australian government agencies. These government agencies may use Personal Information for any purpose relating to the exercise of their government functions. Such Personal Information may also be disclosed to other third parties if required by law.
  • TfNSW may also use passengers contact details to conduct surveys relating to the provision of the service provided by B-ConX
  • Other Australian Government agencies where disclosure is authorised by law
  • Third party contractors engaged by us for the purpose of providing data processing services

Where we disclose personal information to third parties we will use reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that such third parties only use your personal information as reasonably required for the purpose we disclosed it to them and in a manner consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles.

We will require that any third party contractor only uses personal information about you for the specific purpose for which we supply it.

Your personal information will not be ‘sold’ by Buslines Group to any other organisation for that organisation’s unrelated independent use.

Data Security

Buslines Group will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Our Staff are trained to treat all personal information as confidential.

Access and Correction of your Personal Information

If you would like to access, review, correct or update your personal information, you may contact us  In your request, please include your email address, name, address and telephone number and we will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable.

No charge will be made for providing personal information to you.

If you feel that the information held by us is inaccurate or incomplete you should supply sufficient details for us to amend our records.


If you have a question or complaint about the collection or use of your information, please write to:-

Head of Compliance
Buslines Group
PO Box 736
Burwood NSW 1805

Alternatively, please e-mail

We will take any privacy complaint seriously and we request that you co-operate with us and provide any relevant information we might need to assess your complaint.  Buslines Group will respond to your complaint within 2 working days to let you know who is responsible for managing your complaint.  Buslines Group will try to resolve the complaint as soon as reasonably practicable but within 30 working days.  When this is not possible Buslines Group will contact you to provide an estimate time frame for handling the complaint.

All requests and complaints will be dealt with in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Changes to this Policy

Buslines Group may without notice, change this Policy from time to time for any reason and will update the Policy accordingly.  We ask that you visit our website periodically in order to remain up to date with such changes.